Bill Clinton: By the Book May 31, 2018 BillIFTTT Books and Literature Clinton NYT. Climate Change Writing and Writers +
The Mind Meld of Bill Gates and Steven Pinker January 27, 2018 Bill and Melinda BillIFTTT Foundation Gates Microsoft Corp NYT. Climate Change Philanthropy Pinker Steven +
New York City’s Attack on Fossil Fuel Companies January 24, 2018 Alternative and Renewable Energy BillIFTTT de Blasio Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Emissions New York City NYT. Climate Change Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline +
Under Mayor de Blasio, City Vehicles Rack Up Miles September 22, 2017 BillIFTTT de Blasio Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Fuel Emissions (Transportation) New York City NYT. Climate Change Traffic Accidents and Safety +