How Did a World War II ‘Ghost Boat’ End Up in a Shallow Lake in California? October 13, 2022 Climate Change Drought George Smith IFTTT Lake Mead NYT NYTimes Patton Shasta County (Calif) Ships and Shipping Water World War II (1939-45) +
How These N.Y.C. Companies Are Skirting the Supply Chain Crisis December 03, 2021 Brooklyn Navy Yard (Brooklyn Climate Change Factories and Manufacturing IFTTT Industry City (Brooklyn New York City NY) NYT NYTimes Ships and Shipping +
3,000 Miles From Glasgow, a Town and Its Polar Bears Face the Future November 04, 2021 Amstrup Arctic Regions Churchill (Manitoba) Climate Change Economic Conditions and Trends Global Warming IFTTT NYT NYTimes Polar Bears Ports Ships and Shipping Steven C +
There’s Amazon Prime, and Then There’s Shipping by Schooner September 13, 2021 Climate Change Freight (Cargo) Hudson River Valley (NY) IFTTT NYT NYTimes Sailboats and Sailing Ships and Shipping +
An Economic Lifeline in South America, the Paraná River, Is Shriveling September 04, 2021 ARGENTINA Climate Change Drought Global Warming IFTTT NYT NYTimes Rivers Ships and Shipping Water +
Tasked to Fight Climate Change, a Secretive U.N. Agency Does the Opposite June 03, 2021 Brazil Climate Change de Brum Greenhouse Gas Emissions IFTTT International Maritime Organization Marshall Islands NYT NYTimes Politics and Government Ships and Shipping Tony Vale SA +
Environmentalists and Nuclear Power? It’s Complicated. April 18, 2018 Alternative and Renewable EnergyIFTTT Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Emissions Nuclear Energy NYT. Climate Change Ships and Shipping +
The Rush to Exploit the Arctic August 26, 2017 Arctic Council Donald J Global Warming Natural GasIFTTT NYT. Climate Change Putin Russia Ships and Shipping Trump United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Vladimir V +