The Cop Show Enters the ‘Defund’ Era October 03, 2022 Climate Change Floyd George (d 2020) IFTTT Misconduct and Shootings NYT NYTimes Police Police Brutality Police Reform Television +
Nine Mass Shootings March 23, 2022 Climate Change Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Crime and Criminals IFTTT internal-storyline-no Loneliness Mass Shootings Misconduct and Shootings NYT NYTimes Police Brutality +
Roman Protasevich: A Belarus Activist Who ‘Refused to Live in Fear’ May 25, 2021 Aleksandr G Belarus Climate Change IFTTT Lukashenko Misconduct and Shootings NYT NYTimes Police Brutality Protasevich Roman Ryanair Holdings PLC +
She Was Just Walking Home March 17, 2021 Assaults Climate Change Everard Gender Great Britain IFTTT London (England) Misconduct and Shootings NYT NYTimes Police Police Brutality Sarah +