
White ‘Blobs’ Washing Up on Canada’s Shores Stump Residents and Scientists

Amid a Water Crisis, England Asks: Who Should Be in Charge?

We Can Buy Sustainable Food. Why Can’t We Buy Sustainable Batteries?

Can a Start-Up Help Companies Monitor and Manage Their Water Use?

On an Endangered River, Another Toxic Disaster Is Waiting to Happen

Trying Everything, Even Lettuce, to Save Florida’s Beloved Manatees

How a Stunning Lagoon in Spain Turned Into ‘Green Soup’

When Environmental Racism Puts Feces in Your Sink

The Climate Threat Posed by Plastics

Billions of Plastic Pieces Litter Asia and Australia’s Coral

Alexis Rockman Portrays the Great Lakes in Glory and Decline

Jellyfish Seek Italy’s Warming Seas. Can’t Beat ’Em? Eat ’Em.

Trump and Pruitt, Making America Polluted Again

Trump Budget Would Cut E.P.A. Science Programs and Slash Cleanups

America’s Tap Water: Too Much Contamination, Not Enough Reporting, Study Finds

Philippines Moves to Shut Mines Accused of Polluting