Tropical Storm Larry Forms in the Atlantic September 01, 2021 Caribbean Area Climate Change Cyclones Global Warming Hurricanes and Tropical Storms IFTTT National Hurricane Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NYT NYTimes Weather +
Tropical Storm Ida Forms in the Caribbean August 26, 2021 Caribbean Area Climate Change Hurricanes and Tropical Storms IFTTT Jamaica (West Indies) NYT NYTimes +
Social media posts from the quake-damaged area of Haiti help convey the disaster’s scope. August 14, 2021 Caribbean Area Climate Change Earthquakes Haiti IFTTT NYT NYTimes Social Media +
House Hunting on St. Lucia: Nestled in the Piton Mountains for $1.9 Million June 30, 2021 Caribbean Area Climate Change IFTTT NYT NYTimes Real Estate and Housing (Residential) St Lucia +
Puerto Rico Needs More Than Bandages February 12, 2018 Caribbean Area Environmental Protection Agency Hurricane Maria (2017) NYT. Climate Change Power Failures and Blackouts Puerto RicansIFTTT Puerto Rico Water +