First Official Estimate of Somalia’s Drought Shows 43,000 Dead March 20, 2023 Climate Change Drought Famine Horn of Africa IFTTT Mogadishu (Somalia) NYT NYTimes Shabab Somalia World Health Organization +
Facing Economic Collapse, Afghanistan Is Gripped by Starvation December 04, 2021 AFGHANISTAN Climate Change Famine Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food Insecurity IFTTT Kandahar (Afghanistan) NYT NYTimes Taliban +
Citing Covid-19, Climate and Wars, U.N. Asks Donors for Big Jump in Funding December 02, 2021 AFGHANISTAN Climate Change Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Ethiopia Famine Geneva (Switzerland) Global Warming Griffiths Humanitarian Aid IFTTT Martin NYT NYTimes United Nations +
Remember the Population Bomb? It’s Still Ticking June 15, 2017 Africa Economic Conditions and Trends Famine Lesotho NYT. Climate Change Population Third World and Developing CountriesIFTTT +