You know it’s hot at the Olympics when they have to cool off the sand. July 30, 2021 Climate Change Heat and Heat Waves IFTTT NYT NYTimes Olympic Games (1964) Olympic Games (2020) Tokyo (Japan) Weather +
Are You a Bad Person for Watching the Olympics? July 28, 2021 ADVERTISING AND MARKETING Climate Change Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Ethics (Personal) Ethics and Official Misconduct IFTTT NYT NYTimes Olympic Games Ratings (Audience Measurement) Tokyo (Japan) +
Hosting the Olympics Is a Bad Deal July 24, 2021 Climate Change IFTTT Japan NYT NYTimes Olympic Games Olympic Games (2020) Tokyo (Japan) +
How to Love the Olympics Despite … Everything July 22, 2021 Climate Change Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) IFTTT International Olympic Committee NYT NYTimes Olympic Games (2020) Tokyo (Japan) +
Tokyo Is Preparing for Floods ‘Beyond Anything We’ve Seen’ October 06, 2017 Floods Global Warming Infrastructure (Public Works)IFTTT NYT. Climate Change Tokyo (Japan) +