
In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers

Watch This Billion-Year Journey of Earth’s Tectonic Plates

The Arctic’s Warmest 5 Years on Record: 2014-Present

Taking the Oceans’ Temperature, Scientists Find Unexpected Heat

Robotic Fish to Keep a Fishy Eye on the Health of the Oceans

7 Billion People, One Planet. Can Everyone’s Needs Be Met?

Billions of Plastic Pieces Litter Asia and Australia’s Coral

With Climate Change, This Island Is Swallowed by the Sea

The Squid That Sink to the Ocean’s Floor When They Die

Six Ways We Can Adapt to Climate Change

From the Arctic’s Melting Ice, an Unexpected Digital Hub

What Could We Lose if a NASA Mission Goes Dark?

How Hurricane Irma Became So Huge and Destructive

Hot Spots in a Freezing Ocean Offer Lessons in Climate Change

Is Your Sunscreen Poisoning the Ocean?

A Freezing Swim to Call Attention to Warming Waters

To Simulate Climate Change, Scientists Build Miniature Worlds

What Trump’s Budget Means for the Filet-O-Fish